Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

sejarah gua rancang kencono

GUNUNGKIDUL - In Gunungkidul District, Yogyakarta Province, one of the interesting attractions are the cave. In the district which is located in the south of Yogyakarta, there are at least 240 caves. The cave is in addition there are also unique karst rocks are relics of ancient times, so often used as an educational tour.
Among the several caves that are known and visited by tourists, according to Republika, Cave Design Kencono the most interesting.
Cave Design Kencono an ancient grotto located in the village of explanation, District Playen. This cave is parallel to the cave Braholo contained in uninhabited areas Rongkop Gunungkidul which has 3,000 years ago. Because the cave was also found stone and bone artifacts are estimated to live thousands of years ago, said Tri Harjono which has since 1996 become the village head Bleberan. Right-left path to the cave is a teak forest.
The cave is said to Design Kencono, because this cave was used for preparing or planning a strategy of war between the Dutch colonial army Mataram in 1720's. Warriors of Mataram was adalam Kyai Soreng Pati, Kyai Putut Linggo Bowo, and Kyai Kromo Wongso. Even from the book mosaic of cultural heritage, this place also as a meeting with Prince Diponegoro Sentot Prawirodirdjo and officials at that time the kingdom of Mataram.
By Pati and Kyai Kyai Soreng Putut Linggo Bowo cave was named Cave Design Kencono because this place used to plan an activity kabajikan / precious (gold). Inside the cave there is a dark room to meditate. To enter the room through a very narrow alley can only enter one body and must stoop / squat about two meters long.
Which is often used as a place of paramilitary troops and soldiers in the court (page) Cave Design Kencono growing large shade tree named Tlumpi tree (Terminalia edulis). Age of the tree about 200 years. The legend says that at this location had the same as the Wali Songo haven that also as a place of preparation of the strategy of Islamic proselytism that time.
With the number of tourist sites with a very natural and interesting nuances on the date of July 3, 2010 public launch Village Tourism Village explanation as''We hope that in 2011 the location to the Cave and Waterfall Design Kencono Sri Gethuk already paved,''please Tri Harjono.

www.republika.co.id › Gaya HidupTraveling

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